How to share an amazon cart with someone?

Are you always shopping for items online at Amazon? Have you wondered about sharing the cart with someone you love? Maybe you need to see someone else before you buy something? So it’s possible! Using some plugins and extension tools you may share your car with someone. How can you share your Amazon account with someone? If following this simple step-by-step guide you will make an online purchase easier. Let’s start.

How To Share Amazon Cart

Amazon doesn’t allow you to share your Amazon cart directly, but a variety of free browser extensions and plugins do.

Third-party browser plugins you can use include Share-A-Cart and Shopping Cart Share.

It may differ from third-party plugin to plugin on how an Amazon cart can be sent. Let’s take a look at how you can use these two options:

Using the Share-A-Cart extension

Share-A-Cart allows you to send an Amazon cart to someone else. Follow these steps:

1 – Search for “Share A Cart” on your browser.

Share A Cart

2 – Select “Share A Cart Amazon” from the search results that appear.

Share A Cart Amazon

3 – A new window with the download option will open. In order to add the extension to your browser, click on “Add To Chrome” at the bottom of the page.

Share A Cart Amazon

4 -Log into your Amazon account.

5 -To share an item, add it to your cart. Don’t forget to put the right quantity.

6 -Then, select Create Cart ID from the extension icon once you’re ready.

Share A Cart Amazon

7 -You will be able to specify the recipient for delivery of the contents of your shopping cart. 

At the top of the page, you’ll see your cart’s unique ID. The extension generates a unique code.

Share A Cart Amazon

8 – The code can be copied and pasted into an email to share.

9 – The file can also be shared using supported messengers and you will be taken to a new page when you click the “Share” button.

You can share the document via e-mail, SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, and other methods.

You will need to add the extension for the other person to view your cart once you have sent it to them.

Share A Cart Amazon

The following steps should be followed by the recipient to view the cart:

1 – Ensure the cart ID provided to you is accurate first and foremost.

2 – When you’ve got it, go to the extension icon and select “Receive Cart.”

Share A Cart Amazon

 3 – In the “Cart ID” field, type or paste your friend’s cart ID and then click “Get Cart.”

Share A Cart Amazon

4 -You will see the Amazon shopping cart page once the contents of your friends’ cart have been retrieved.

Using the Shopping Cart Share extension

You may also share your Amazon cart by using Shopping Cart Share. The extension is one of the most popular and accessible extensions for sharing carts. Here are the steps you need to follow to accomplish this:

1 – Install the Shopping Cart Share extension for Google Chrome.

2 – Go to your Amazon account and sign in.

3 – Click the cart icon at the top right of your page to access your Shopping Cart. Go to the optimized product listing and click “Add to Cart” if you don’t have one yet.

4 – From the Amazon cart page, choose “Share.“

5 – Share the link to your Amazon cart. 

How Do I Share Amazon Cart On My iPhone/Android?

There are also extensions for sharing your Amazon shopping cart on your phone that you can use on your computer. 

If you want to download them to your smartphone, you should be able to do so without any issues.

The process is slightly different when you send your cart and allow the other person to manage the shared cart.

If you are using an iPhone or Android device, here is how you can share your Amazon cart on mobile via the Amazon app:

1 – In order to use the app, you need to sign in with your Amazon account.

2 – Start adding items to your shopping cart.

You may view them all by tapping View Cart & Checkout. You can see the details there.

4 – Click “Transfer control of the cart” and you’ll be taken to a page where you can put the person’s email address.

5 – Click “Send.“

How long does it take for items to stay in Amazon’s cart?

Amazon will hold your items until two weeks from the date you buy them. However, some products in your cart may be unavailable when you wait too long. Sometimes items can sell in hours and it’s rare for people with a lot of items for sale. Don’t put anything in the cart for long. Especially when it comes to products of high quality and a high conversion ratio. The time it takes to browse an Amazon store will determine whether you are an active user or logged into the site. All cart items on Amazon are refreshed once every 30 seconds.

How do I share my Amazon Wishlist?

You may share your Amazon wishes with relatives to view and edit. Sharing a Wish List on Amazon will help you make sure someone knows what you want for Christmas. This is a quick way for a viewer to see your own lists. The Editing and Viewing options allow a person to edit their list to list. You can delete or add a certain item to your list, adjust priority and quantity, and make comments. The group may also invite you to private conversations for advice or suggestions on how to make an efficient shopping experience.

how to share an amazon cart with someone

Is there a limit to how many items a buyer can order in one order?

Product quantities are limited to the number of goods to purchase. Our custom shop basket can accommodate as many as 1000 items. Show me some examples of Amazon carts.

Why do people share Amazon carts?

Sharing your Amazon shopping basket is very helpful for several reasons. Tell me the reason people use carts:

  • I want their opinion on what to buy as a surprise gift.
  • It’s a gift for someone far away, and you want to ensure they like it.
  • A second opinion is essential before you buy an expensive item.
  • A third party’s idea would help decide what to buy.
  • Maintaining a registry or wishlist for someone can be time-consuming.
  • In a collaborative project, you must share items you are considering purchasing.
  • With the help of your Amazon account, you are helping someone buy something.

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